At Home: Getting to Know President Verret
October 29, 2022
By Skylar Stephens, Staff Writers

Two young men were walking the campus of their predominantly white institution. One is Haitian and one is Ghanaian. They soon realized that they were being followed by a security guard.
They continued walking for a few more minutes, but the security guard did not stop following them.
“What are you doing here?” the security guard finally stopped the friends to ask.
The young Haitian man realized that he was being racially profiled for the first time in his life. This man’s name is Reynold Verret.
Today, Verret serves as the president of Xavier University of Louisiana.
Verret recalled this story from his sophomore year of college while talking about his college experiences. Being raised in Brooklyn, N.Y., a racially diverse city, Verret hadn’t encountered a situation like that.
“America has always had trouble with Black excellence,” Verret said. “If a young man or woman likes to do mathematics, write poetry, or paint, sometimes they have to do so in the closet.”
Verret said that it’s important to create an island where Black individuals can do these tasks and have it praised and uplifted. Xavier is that island. He expressed that historically Black universities and colleges, like Xavier, are safe spaces for Black students to flourish. Because of his passion for creating this safe space, one of the things that keeps him up at night is public safety.
“Too many people never make it to my door at Xavier or to any door,” says Verret.
Though the hardships of being president, Verret also acknowledges the upside, which is getting to live vicariously through his students. He recalled reading about the daughter of one of his past students being in graduate school now.
“In many ways, I feel like a grandfather to her even if not through blood,’ he said. “We live vicariously through our students. That’s the nature of the profession. Otherwise, there’s no purpose.”
The relationships that Verret has formed are what make New Orleans his home now. Since coming from New York, he has made family and friends which he believes is what makes a place feel like home. His oldest son was born in New Orleans and he said forming a new sense of family after relocating is what makes a place feel familiar. In the same way, Xavier is that familiar place where family can be made for incoming students.
Established in 1925, Xavier is approaching its centennial year. It’s important to Verret that the university continues to grow. During his time as the president, he plans to continue making Xavier a safe space for minorities to gain the skills needed to add representation into workplaces.
“Xavier has always existed as an example of showing the world what is possible. That’s what we’re called to do,” Verret said.
President Verret’s Favorites

Question: Favorite ice-cream flavor (since you like to host ice-cream socials on campus)?
Answer: Cherry vanilla
Question: Which decade you think is the best decade for music?
Answer: The 70s
Question: Name one person dead or alive you’d like to meet?
Answer: Albert Einstein or W.E.B DuBois
Question: What song always gets you on the dance floor?
Answer: Billie Jean – Michael Jackson
Question: If you weren’t the president of a university, what would you be doing?
Answer: In the lab!