First Live Music Friday exceeds expectations, sets Xavier apart as unique college experience

Friday, August 23, 2024

By: Tashia Hogue, Staff Writer

Students dancing to live music at Live Music Friday (Photo Source: Oba El)

Xaverites did not come to play this fall semester as they rolled out the red carpet for the first of many Live Music Friday events. This social gathering offered more than just two to three hours of fun on the University Center yard. Friday, August 23 students were surrounded by vibrant music, delicious food and a sense of student unity. The free snow cones and HBCU classics like ‘Knuck If You Buck’ by Crime Mob made the 90-degree weather worth it. It was clear this was an event you didn’t want to miss—a time for STEM students to mingle with those in the arts.

Hundreds of Xaverites came out to enjoy the first Live Music Friday of the school year! (Photo source: Oba El)

Isaiah Mitchell, a sophomore biology major on a pre-med track from Baltimore, Maryland, said he came out to meet new people and be among his peers. 

“I came out to Live Music Friday with my friends to catch the vibes, listen to the music, and throw on my stuff every time,” Mitchell said.

Putting on your best outfit is integral to Live Music Friday much like fried chicken is to Wednesdays in the café. It’s not just about designer brands but how you put together what you have. According to Navaeh Lacey, a second-year public health major from Atlanta, Georgia, fashion is a form of expression.

“People come to Live Music Friday to express themselves and their fashion,” Lacey said. “Whether it’s through the latest trends like jerseys, hair bows, or skirts, it’s always a good time.”

Members from Omega Psi Phi participating in Live Music Friday. (Photo source: Oba El)

Live Music Friday also provides students with a platform to exist outside of the classroom contributing to a healthy work-life balance essential for a fulfilling HBCU experience. If someone told you college was all about the books, they were mistaken. Many lifelong bonds are formed outside of the classroom. Who knew the best place to network could be the yard?

For senior Xaverites, this was their last ‘first’ Live Music Friday. Chris Tolbert, a senior biology major from Chicago took it all in and expressed his love for Xavier University’s uniqueness.

“I came out to be part of the HBCU culture. Live Music Friday is something that makes Xavier stand out. It’s a cultural expression, which is why everybody dresses up. It gives everyone the opportunity to unapologetically be themselves,” Tolbert said.

Xaverites enjoying free drinks by Coca Cola at Live Music Friday. (Photo source: Oba El)

As the sun shone on Xavier’s first Live Music Friday of the fall semester, it was clear this event was more than just a gathering: it was a celebration of Black culture and community that defines the university. From freshmen experiencing their first taste of HBCU traditions to seniors savoring their last ‘first’ events, the yard was alive with unity, creativity, and expression.

This could be considered a new pillar in the Xavier experience, where students from all walks of life come together to decompress from their classes. As the semester unfolds, anticipation for the next Live Music Friday grows promising more music, fashion and unforgettable memories that will define the Xavier experience for years to come.

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